Sewer Flood Prevention Devices.Raw Sewage.Backwater Valves
Sewer Flood Prevention
What would happen if raw sewage flooded your basement?
This can happen if there's damage to your sewer pipe that causes sewage to flow into your home.
Proper sewer flood prevention devices will keep your home sewage-free.
- Stand Pipes holds sewage down until it backs off
- Plugs stop water and sewage backups
- Overhead Sewers protect your floors from raw sewage
Raw Sewage
Raw sewage is a combination of feces and other substances that build up in your sewage tank. They contain bacteria that can harm your family and property. It includes sink, toilet and other types of waste sources.
Once out in the open raw sewage can be smelled for up to one mile away!
Backwater Valves
At Andy Jahn Plumbing & Rooter we install and repair backwater valves.
They prevent raw sewage from flowing backwards into your house or building.
- Automatic Check Valves, stops sewage from flowing up your private lateral line
- Hand Operated Valves, prevents back flow from the sewer main
- Prevents sewage from flowing into your basement and other rooms
- Protects your water supply
- Keeps sewage out, so you're not exposed to contaminated water
- Avoid spending time and money cleaning raw sewage
Protect your home from costly raw sewage spills.
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